Source code for berlin_gelaendemodelle_downloader.utils

import os
import math

import numpy as np

from pandas import DataFrame
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon


[docs]def file_content_2_data_frame(file_content: str) -> DataFrame: """ Create a ``DataFrame`` with the ``file_content`` Args: file_content (str): content of file Returns: DataFrame: Content of file as DataFrame """ data_frame = DataFrame([[int(x), int(y), float(height)] for x, y, height in [row.split(" ") for row in file_content]]) data_frame.columns = ["x", "y", "height"] return data_frame
[docs]def data_frame_2_file_content(data_frame: DataFrame) -> list: """ Converts the given ``data_frame`` into a list of lines as file content Args: data_frame: to be serialized Returns: list: list of lines for serialization as file """ if isinstance(data_frame, GeoDataFrame): return [f"{int(x)} {int(y)} {round(float(height), 2)}" for x, y, height, _ in data_frame.values] elif isinstance(data_frame, DataFrame): return [f"{int(x)} {int(y)} {round(float(height), 2)}" for x, y, height in data_frame.values]
[docs]def download_2_file_content(download_content: str) -> list: """ Converts the ``download_content`` into proper format. Args: download_content (str): content of download Returns: list: list of lines for serialization as file """ return [f"{int(x)} {int(y)} {round(float(height), 2)}" for x, y, height in [row.split(" ") for row in download_content.splitlines()]]
[docs]def compress_data_frame(data_frame: DataFrame, tile_size: int) -> DataFrame: """ Compress the given ``DataFrame``. Uses windows of size ':math:`tile\ size \\times tile\ size`' and calculates their mean. Use convolution algorithm to compress the neighboring tiles. TODO: see documentation to get an intuition about the convolution implementation. Args: data_frame (DataFrame): Original DataFrame tile_size (int): window size Returns: DataFrame: The compressed pandas.DataFrame """ columns = ["x", "y", "height"] data_frame.columns = columns data_frame = data_frame.sort_values(["y", "x"]) y_min = data_frame["y"].min() y_max = data_frame["y"].max() x_min = data_frame["x"].min() x_max = data_frame["x"].max() # original x and y coordinates to restore them original_x_y = [(x, y) for y in range(y_min, y_max, tile_size) for x in range(x_min, x_max, tile_size)] original_size = int(math.sqrt(data_frame.shape[0])) new_size = int(original_size / tile_size) df_as_matrix = np.array([data_frame[i:i+original_size]["height"] for i in range(0, data_frame.shape[0], original_size)]) convolution_matrix = np.zeros((new_size**2, tile_size**2)) mean_kernel_vector = np.full((tile_size**2, 1), 1/(tile_size**2)) # convolution kernel as vector to mean cells in window # reshape windows into rows of the ``convolution_matrix`` row_number = 0 for y in range(new_size): for x in range(new_size): convolution_matrix[row_number, :] = df_as_matrix[y * tile_size:y * tile_size + tile_size, x * tile_size:x * tile_size + tile_size].flatten() row_number += 1 # calculate the actual convolution as dot product convolution_result = # create compressed ``DataFrame`` compressed_data_frame = DataFrame([[x_y[0], x_y[1], height] for x_y, height in zip(original_x_y, convolution_result[:,0])], dtype=np.float32) compressed_data_frame.columns = columns return compressed_data_frame
[docs]def create_directories(download_path: str, keep_original: bool, compress: int, file_formats: tuple) -> (str, str): """ Simple helper function that creates all necessary directories. Args: download_path (str): download path keep_original (bool): indicates whether the original directory is necessary or not. compress (int): compression rate file_formats (tuple): indicates the file types to save. Returns: str, str: path for original files, path for compressed files """ original_path = os.path.join(download_path, ORIGNAL_SUB_PATH) compressed_path = os.path.join(download_path, COMPRESSED_SUB_PATH) if not os.path.exists(original_path) and keep_original: os.mkdir(original_path) if not os.path.exists(compressed_path) and compress > 0: os.mkdir(compressed_path) for file_format in file_formats: original_format_path = os.path.join(original_path, file_format.lower()) compressed_format_directory = os.path.join(compressed_path, file_format.lower()) if keep_original: if not os.path.exists(original_format_path): os.mkdir(original_format_path) if not os.path.exists(compressed_format_directory): os.mkdir(compressed_format_directory) return original_path, compressed_path
[docs]def data_frame_2_geo_data_frame(data_frame: DataFrame) -> GeoDataFrame: """ Creates a ``GeoDataFrame`` from the given ``DataFrame`` Args: data_frame (DataFrame): ``DataFrame`` that is used to create a ``GeoDataFrame`` with geometric information. Returns: GeoDataFrame: Created ``GeoDataFrame``. """ data_frame_sorted = data_frame["x"].sort_values() tile_size = data_frame_sorted[1] - data_frame_sorted[0] geo_data_frame = GeoDataFrame([[x, y, height, Polygon(((x, y), (x + tile_size, y), (x + tile_size, y + tile_size), (x, y + tile_size), (x, y)))] for x, y, height in data_frame.values], crs={"init": "epsg:25833"}) # Coordinate System Source: geo_data_frame.columns = ["x", "y", "height", "geometry"] return geo_data_frame